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SDSLHA Nomination for ASHFoundation Rolland J. Van Hattum Award for Contribution in the Schools: 

This award recognizes an SDSLHA member employed by a school system for exemplary commitment and contribution to the delivery of audiology and/or speech-language pathology services within a school setting. The SDSLHA recipient is nominated for the ASHFoundation Rolland J. Van Hattum Award for Contribution in the Schools which recognizes an individual’s exemplary commitment and contribution to the delivery of audiology and/or speech-language pathology services within a school setting. 

The Van Hattum Award is a memorial recognition of Rolland J. Van Hattum, who had a long and distinguished career providing audiology and speech-language pathology services and support in the schools. He believed strongly in the dedication and professionalism of his colleagues in the schools and, until his death in 1987, continued to advocate for the support and recognition of their achievements. The Van Hattum awardee receives a plaque and an award of $2,000. In addition, the recipient’s school system will receive $500 to further the awarded work.

Criteria for Selection
Eligible activities or achievements include, but are not limited to:
  • The conduct of exemplary clinical services, supervision, or research in a school setting.
  • The development of an innovative program (e.g., clinical, training) in a school setting, with an emphasis on those that are replicable.
  • The promotion or enhancement of public or private support for audiology and speech-language pathology services in the schools.
The following specific eligibility criteria should be addressed in the nomination:
  • The nominee must be an audiologist or speech-language pathologist employed by a school system (e.g., serving pre-K through high school setting). Excludes individual or agency contractors.
  • The contribution for which the individual is nominated must have been made within a school system.
  • The nominee's commitment to the delivery of services in the schools must be evidenced by a specific activity or achievement, or a series of related integrated activities resulting in the achievement of a common goal.
  • The contribution of the nominee must make a direct, observable, and demonstrable impact.
  • The nominee's commitment and contribution to the delivery of services in the schools must be clearly identified as outstanding (e.g., innovative; creative in use of resources; collaborative).

Access the Membership Directory to confirm that your nominee is an SDSLHA member. 

The following information should be submitted in a Word or PDF document:
  • Nominee's name and contact information
  • Nominator's name and contact information
  • Summary Statement: In three sentences or fewer, state why you are nominating the individual, highlighting the specific achievement.
  • Nomination Narrative (addressed to "Review Panel"): Provide a brief biographical introduction to the nominee, summarizing educational and career activities.
  • Specific Contribution: Describe the nominee's contribution to the advancement of audiology and/or speech-language pathology service delivery in the school setting. Address the following specific areas, using these statements as narrative headers:
    • The nature of the individual's contribution (i.e., primary contribution and related achievements).
    • The way in which the individual's contribution is outstanding and unique.
    • The direct impact (both short term and long term) and significance of the contribution.
    • The target population served by the activity or achievement.
  • Case for Support: Provide evidence of support for the nomination through letters, statements, or a combination of both.