Join or Renew your 2025 Membership Now2025 Membership Rates and Membership Levels are below. Active Member ($75): Active members must hold:
Active members have voting privileges. New Grad Active Member ($50): Active member who is a new graduate with a Masters or AuD. No late fee shall be assessed for those who submit their Membership Dues and have graduated within the last year. Affiliate Member ($35): Affiliate member is open to all students in the areas of speech-language pathology and/or audiology or other persons who are interested in the promotion and membership benefits of SDSLHA. Life Member (Free): Granted to Active Members who have been in good standing for ten consecutive years and have reached the age of 65.SDSLHA exists to support everyone who works in audiology, speech-language pathology, and related professions in SD. As an SDSLHA member, you will stay informed of regulatory issues affecting our professions in SD, participate in continuing education events to enhance your career, and connect with your colleagues in online discussions and live networking events.
Experiencing a challenge providing services in our rural state? Want to share a personal or professional victory with the people that understand what you do? Need to get out and have a little fun? Connect with your SDSLHA colleagues throughout the year by taking advantage of regional social events, online member discussion forums, and more. The South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association is here to advocate for individuals with communication disorder and their families, promote public awareness of your professions and serve as an overall resource for you. This association is composed of members who work hard to to make sure this association works. The South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association invites returning members to renew your memberships and those who are new to join us. |